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Acne and Acne Scar Treatments in Ontario, CA

The stress and damage to a person’s self-confidence when dealing with acne and acne scarring can feel like an uphill battle. When topical creams and at-home products aren’t providing the results you want, it can be extremely frustrating, eventually affecting your mental health.

At Enhance Aesthetics, we offer a wide range of multi-modal, safe, and reliable acne treatments. We always start with a comprehensive consultation to get to the root of your breakouts and find a solution that works for you. And when you’re ready, we have gentle yet effective solutions for acne scars to help you obtain smooth, even skin.

What Is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when oil, bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt block pores. This results in various types of pimples, which can range from small pustules and whiteheads to large, painful cysts and nodules. Acne can also affect multiple areas of the body, the most common being the face, neck, back, and shoulders.


Am I a Candidate for Acne Treatments?

If you’re experiencing persistent acne breakouts, you may be a candidate for acne treatment at Enhance Aesthetics. Candidates for acne treatments:

  • Experience acne of any type: blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, cystic, nodules, etc.
  • Have reasonable expectations for results
  • Are generally in good health

How Do You Treat Acne?

Treatment requires an initial diagnosis of the type of acne you have and an understanding of possible causes based on lifestyle factors, age, and genetics. The more we know about you and your specific skin concerns, the better we can address these issues and find you the ideal treatment option.

It’s also important to note that acne is often triggered by multiple causes–it’s rarely just one singular reason. Many of our patients see the best results through a combination of in-office treatment, at-home skincare, and dietary changes. Of course, everyone is different, so your comprehensive consultation with one of our skincare specialists is essential in getting you the care you need.

Your Acne Consultation

At Enhance Aesthetics, we are committed to providing our patients with a wide range of options that address their concerns in the most effective and safe manner. We don’t believe in cookie-cutter treatments; we’re here to listen to your concerns, understand the past acne treatments you have used, and any relevant health information.

Also, be sure to discuss with your specialist if you are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications for your acne, as many of these products can make the skin more sensitive and may conflict with certain treatments.

Are you ready to finally see clearer, smoother skin when you look in the mirror? Call Enhance Aesthetics today at (909) 581-7777 to schedule your acne or acne scar consultation.

What Are My Acne Treatment Options?

Each treatment plan will be tailored to the patient’s needs and goals, so they will each look a little different from one person to the next. Some popular acne treatments include the following:

Spectra Acne Laser Treatments

One of the challenges that patients with acne-prone skin is that many lasers are not compatible with active breakouts. The Spectra Laser is not one of these treatments–in fact, it is ideal for acne-prone skin and can be a fantastic way to break the cycle of persistent breakouts.

The Spectra Acne treatment, sometimes referred to as the “Hollywood Peel,” is gentle enough that it won’t irritate your skin or require any downtime, unlike many other laser treatments. The Spectra works by heating the sebaceous glands to destroy bacteria on the skin, which can contribute to persistent acne. This treatment also exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells, and reduces inflammation of the skin. Lastly, the heat from the laser also induces collagen production, so it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and surface-level acne scarring.

Hormone Therapy for Acne

Hormone imbalances are notorious for upending many other body functions, and they are one of the primary causes of adult-onset cystic acne. Many of our patients greatly benefit from bioidentical hormone therapy replacement, as it can regulate systems responsible for a variety of concerns, both functional and aesthetic. The process involves lab work to determine where and if you have a hormone imbalance, a consultation to determine the best dosage and treatment plan, and subsequent visits to assess your progress.

Acne Peel

An important part of skin health is skin cell renewal: by removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, you enable new, healthy cells to grow instead. This improves a variety of skin concerns, including acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and pigmentation issues.

An acne-safe chemical peel can help remove dead skin that may be causing your breakouts, prompting new, healthy skin to take its place. Exfoliation is crucial to removing impurities in your pores that cause acne flare-ups.

What Is Acne Scarring?

Unfortunately, anyone who has struggled with acne in the past is most likely familiar with acne scarring. Your susceptibility to acne scars depends on several factors, including the type of acne you had (cystic acne is most likely to scar), whether you underwent abrasive acne treatments, and your body’s natural healing response.

Acne scars can be divided into two main types: depressed and raised. Depressed or atrophic scars are caused by tissue loss, while hypertrophic, keloid or raised scars are caused by an overproduction of collagen.

Most patients with acne scars will have more than one type of scars–rarely, if ever, will a patient only come in with one type of acne scar.


Am I a Candidate for Acne Scar Treatment?

Acne scars can be extremely frustrating; It almost feels that after beating long-term acne, your reward is a new skin issue!

Don’t worry—acne scars can be improved with the right treatment plan and consistency. If you have acne scars of any type, you may be a candidate for acne scar treatments.

Candidates should:

  • Be completely breakout-free: Most acne scar treatments are incompatible with active acne, so clear skin is a must.
  • Be generally healthy with reasonable expectations for results

Acne scar treatment, like acne treatment, is an individualized process that is always dependent on the patient’s needs, current skin health, and overall goals for the procedure. It’s important to note that reducing the appearance of scars is a process, and patience is key. With consistency, you will see results.

How Do You Treat Acne Scarring?

After clearing your skin of active breakouts, you’re ready to undergo acne scar treatments. The goal is to increase cell renewal, induce natural reparative properties in the skin, and prevent future breakouts. This can be accomplished through many different treatments, often combined.

What Are My Acne Scarring Treatment Options?

After your consultation, we will create a custom treatment plan that best addresses your acne scarring concerns. Best outcomes come from repeated, consistent treatments. Some popular acne scar treatments include the following:

Co2 Laser Resurfacing

Resurfacing the skin is often helpful for improved cell renewal when treating acne scars. Co2 laser resurfacing uses heat to precisely remove small amounts of the epidermis with limited damage to the surrounding skin, resulting in quicker recovery and downtime than other lasers.Co2 lasers effectively remove damaged skin and scars, resulting in smoother, more youthful skin. They can also reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, which is common in patients who have healed from previous acne breakouts.

SkinPen® Microneedling

Microneedling is a fantastic treatment option for patients with mild to moderate acne scarring, as this minimally invasive procedure requires very little downtime and recovery and offers a wide range of benefits. Microneedling utilizes tiny, medical-grade needles that make small punctures throughout the skin, called micro-injuries. These micro-injuries prompt the body’s healing response, creating new collagen to heal these injuries and smooth the skin.

ezPRF Injections

Platelet-rich Fibrin harnesses the regenerative powers of platelets, which release growth factors into the skin for natural healing and skin rejuvenation. PRF differs from PRP in that the process used to extract PRF retains a higher concentration of platelets for improved results. ezPRF injections increase blood flow to the area and collagen production, greatly improves deep acne scars and aids the body in new tissue remodeling.

Why Should I Choose Enhance Aesthetics for My Acne Treatments?

At Enhance Aesthetics, we take each patient’s needs and create a customized plan specifically for them. We understand that many patients will need a multi-modal approach to their skin concerns, and we’re prepared to supply that, offering a wide range of FDA-approved treatments and devices.

Our skincare specialists are experienced in addressing skin concerns with care, precision, and an open mind. They offer multiple types of treatments and flexible plans that produce results.

Interested in Acne Treatments and Acne Scar Treatments in Ontario, CA?

Our team of highly trained, experienced, and compassionate medical professionals is ready to help you on your journey to blemish-free, smooth skin. To see how Enhance Aesthetics can create a custom acne treatment or acne scar treatment plan that best suits your individual needs, call us today at (909) 581-7777.

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